28 December, 2006

Merry Christmas

Okay - here are the details on Christmas as well as I can remember them, for it was nearly a week ago now. This year was wonderfully blessed, as Ben & I (mostly "i") were able to get - PURCHASE - gifts for all of the kids and for extended family. It was SOOO nice, as I LOVE Christmas shopping, and would start tomorrow for 2007 if I could!

The kids each got one "major" gift from us...so for the record, I suppose I should keep a record! Christian - electronic drum set. I THOUGHT it had an earphone jack, but he says he can't find it. riiight. Gabe - Vidster video camera - it is a hit! Luke, snap circuits science board. EVERYONE loves it! The girls were given a little kitchen playset from target which they love, and Victoria actually spotted in the store on December 23rd, saying "That is neat!". Here is ben working on assembly. The girls are in their "chinese" jammies and chef hats, ready to go!

Grandparents gave games and gift certificates, so the kids got new jammies, winter boots, and fun board games that have kept us busy for days now! We had the kids draw names for each other, to avoid the usual dollar store junk fest and get something worthwhile. They all loved the idea, but poor little Emme can NOT take suspense! She begged Victoria to tell her whose name she drew, saying "I'll tell YOU!", but Victoria said calmly, "no, we can't tell. you will find out tomorrow" well - when you are FIVE, tomorrow could be a hundred years from now! That must have maxed out her secret-keeping capacity, for later that evening, as I met Ben and Emme leaving our bedroom after their secret present-wrapping fiasco, she turned back to me in the hallway and said "You can move the pillows". I *hoped* they had not been cutting paper on the bed! Then it occurred to me - ben must have purchased the wonderful new sheets I had *hinted* that I liked as an anniversary gift. (Dec. 21st!) I was fine, though, with being surprised, so I did NOT move those pillows! Ben explained later that he had clearly stated to Emme, "Do not say ANYTHING to mom". (She had watched him re-make the bed). "What will you say?" "nothing" came the meek reply. She lasted 27 seconds. My sister sent a gift card for a grocery store, which allowed us to have a scrumptious holiday feast!

The feast went like this:
Appetizers ~ Cheese ball and crackers, pineapple/banana/lime smoothie, and fresh egg nog. Cream of broccoli soup introduced everyone to the table, followed by a spring green salad with goat chesse, walnuts and strawberries. The main course was (thank you, Five Alls, for the inspiration) tenderloin steak with Bernaise sauce, asparagus, and King Crab meat, (yes I steamed those huge crab legs. wow) mashed garlic potatoes and whole grain bread completed that course. And our friend Rey brought a very nice bottle of red wine to round out the elegant spread. Dessert was ice cream parfaits and petite cheesecakes that Ana brought, along with some cranberry pudding cake. Of course, no one wanted ice cream. OH! - and lefse, that my father's girlfriend(?) in Minnesota so sweetly sent to us! that made it really feel like Christmas.

At thanksgiving time, i found some velvet table runners on sale, so they were placed - 4 of them - on the table in a criss-cross pattern so that the end of each one served as each person's place mat. It was so pretty - that celadon green with the Christmas stoneware in greens and burgundy. I found tiny brass pears on ebay that were placecard holders, so the kids helped me fill and arrange those. Evergreen goblets purchased from Arby's 12 years ago for $.99 each gleamed on our Christmas table, and white linen napkins from an estate sale with a "j" monogram gave the appearance of martha stewart's handiworkwhen tucked inside of chubby gold napkin rings!

After clean-up progress was evident, we all settled in for gift opening, but Ana just *had* to stay in the kitchen and keep working- which was the best gift ever! Ben read from Luke, then prayed...his voice flooded with emotion as he thanked God for such a blessed Christmas. last year had been so sparse, and we only were able to let our kids open gifts because of the generosity of family and friends. We were all glad to see such bounty this year! Everyone was so pleased, and I was thankful we had not given the kids more. it was just enough to be appreciated, but not feel spoiled. ben gave me some new stainless steel pots and pans - which already are making dinner taste better! This week, the kids have been home playing games & watching movies, and it is so nice to have everyone together. The new year will bring many changes, I am sure. Luke will be home schooled, everyone will grow older and wiser, and we will adjust further to what often feels like a desert in more ways than one! Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year! Here is emme, having collected her small things she had used to leave a trail throughout the house, in case she lost her way ~

22 December, 2006


Yesterday was our 15th anniversary. I was on the phone with my mother in the morning, as it is also her birthday, and as I said it out loud, "15 years...", I was amazed at how long of time that sounded, "Not that it seems that long," I told her. She said "Yeah, no. More like 10 minutes." Pause.


Not really...it has been good, and I suppose the bumps and bruises are what makes a marriage stronger. if so, our marriage is about ready to bench-press 4,000 pounds. I had not been looking very forward to an anniversary, because along with memories of a wedding, and music, and smiling at 2,342 people all day, you remember your husband spilling punch on your wedding gown while he goofed around with his friends. I remember being shocked that the words "I now pronounce you..." did not magically turn a teenage boy into a mature adult. I thought they would trigger something in his brain. He never has spilled punch on me again, so I am thankful for that progress!

SO...Last night we had DINNER - OUT, no kids, no cell phone calls, and at the most memorable place...set into a little hill - it was called Five Alls...you enter into an olde world castle setting..dark wooden beams lining the walls and ceiling, large black chains hanging from the ceiling to support hand carved shelves, tables, and a gas log fireplace. Along the walls were swords and coats of arms, each inscribed with the "Five Alls" - Plead for all, Fight for all...then I got lost in the moment and never did read the rest. We were seated at a table by the window - overlooking the valley with city lights as far as the eye could see - very memorable as we had eaten in a similar setting on our honeymoon. THAT is what I chose to remember from the honeymoon. Ben remembers our first night, getting to a hotel after an exhausting wedding and ordering pizza. He thought it might be fun to relive that on our anniversary. We have 5 children - do you think that ordering pizza is not a common, everyday thing now? Back to the dinner...

Our meal began with an appetizer of poppyseed bread fingers to dip in a sour cream clam spread, a spicy swedish meatball, and an itty-bitty parfait cup of some banana pineapple smoothie concoction with a lime wedge at the side. That was course #1. I would have been content with that. Then came broccoli cream soup and shrimp cocktail...who knew someone could do THAT to broccoli soup?!?!? What followed was the most amazing dark bread I have EVER tasted with some seasoned butter, and then the MAIN COURSE...I had fish and rice. standard for me - it is my favorite. It was good, but BEN had a filet mignon oscar, with a red wine bernaise sauce containg asparagus and king crab meat. It could have been dessert! I have never tasted anything like it in my life. For an actual dessert, they offered a variety of ice cream parfaits...ben had raspberry and I had sherry - yumMY. I never thought to put sherry on my icecream, but I will now! Very full, we drove to target for some household things, and braved the freezing air once more to go to a movie. It was all very nice, and I guess I am okay now with anniversaries. If you ever come visit us, we should go to Five Alls together!

14 December, 2006

Where is Liza when I need her?

there's a hole in my bucket, dear henry, dear henry....

aaauuggh!!! so I wrecked the car. I ran into someone who turned into my lane, as I ZOOMED through a yellow light. BIG mistake, I know. I just hate it when people honk at me for being a "granny" driver, so I have been trying to be a little more assertive. Great plan. this insurance garbage is horrible. they have not made a decision on whose fault it is, b/c they don't have the police report.
the police have the report, but won't send it until it is paid for. they said I could go down and get it and fax it to the insurance co. - it costs $10. but, I can't get it if I don't have a car. I can not get a car until they make a decision on liability. they will not make a decision on that until they get the police report. so, here I sit, and now the baby has the flu, as does Luke. guess it is good that I am still home and not working! okay...on to other things. I may be back!

12 December, 2006

not so hot.

0kay. the flu sucks. it really does. I was doing SO great...got over bronchitis, feeling very well, moving on with a crazy life, taking lots of vitamins and eating green peppers for breakfast, and WHAM! got in a car wreck!

No kidding! i zoomed through a yellow light, and someone turned left in front of me, failing to yield. and we collided - so now we are figuring out insurance garbage, as the policeman says the OTHER guy (17yo boy) is liable, but his mother does not want to accept liability. so, here we sit - which perhaps is good, b/c, according to one very natural-health-oriented friend of mine, trauma from an accident CAN bring on a flu. which is how it went with me! yesterday, i woke up to horrible aches and chills, and my temperature throughout the day was more than 100 - so I was hot, but NOT SO HOT! i NEVER get a fever, so this was unusual. anyway...the three little ones were home with me, and emme -5, was so helpful to bring me water, and answer the phone "I am sorry, my mom is sick today". I am sure people were thinking "WHERE IS HER MOTHER?!?" so today it is getting better, and my friend said she lost 16 pounds with her flu, so - THAT would make the misery worth it!

i will be back again soon!

09 December, 2006


What a relief! the Christmas dinner thing is now over, and went quite well...everyone loved the appetizers, which was great, as I was a little concerned. the cheeseballs were 3 cone shapes in a group, rolled in 3 different green herbs - rather forest-looking, and everyone thought it was so neat. The bruschetta turned out great, and the sweet ladies at church helped me slice all of the bread - yahoo!! The decorations were a hit, as well, but everyone else was so tired, they began to take it all down before I could go around getting pictures! I wanted some more, but felt funny photographing my own work in front of the crowd, and, you know ladies...they will stand around and talk for 17 hours, really!

My darling husband came and helped me load up all 11 tubs of garland, teacups, toys, wrapped "gifts", candles, candleholders, and everything else I owned that could set on a table. then he said GO TO BED, and DO NOT GET UP BEFORE I DO. so I did, at 11 pm. and I did not get up today until 9 am. phew. it is a good thing there are no handcuffs in my bedroom, or I may have waken up at 4 am and found I could not move.

now, on to Christmas, and programs at church, and a cookie exchange next week, and 3 birthdays! oh - and it is our 15th anniversary on the 21st - which is the day the kids get out of school for vacation. wonder how we will work that, as I would like to go AWAY.

so...thank you to all my dear friends who are so encouraging and help me keep going. (although I am not going to far today with my poor crashed car) i love you all!!

08 December, 2006

There are limits.


There are limits to what a mom can do? I am trying to figure out what they are, but when a mom HAS to do some things, NEEDS to do other things, SHOULD do even more things, then has a loooong list of what she WANTS to do, she does not sleep. I have been up since 4:30 today, because I kept thinking of things I had to do, and it was hot in my room - all the heat must float up there or something, so when you wake up, you may as well get up, right? not to mention that every time I close my eyes, I see myself headed straight for a car sitting in my lane of traffic - only because this is what hapened in real life on Monday of this week. I have not heard yet what the damages are to our minivan, but the EMT on the scene said "Ma'am, you are not driving this out of here. please turn it off". hm. lovely. right before Christmas. BUT - it was probably good, as I have been stuck at home, a little sore, but able to do even more of those should, must, have to, and want to things.

Last night, I coordinated the decorating of 24 tables at church, for 200+ women to come to a Christmas dinner. I also have to print up little cards with notes on them, make some corsages, decorate little jars for the servers to receive tips, dress myself up, figure out how to get my kindergartner home when I have no vehicle, get 2 swan ice sculptures to the church without them melting, wrap 11 gifts, make appetizers for all of these women, anddd...bake 2 lasagnas. Did I mention that some of the gifts for this event are in the back of my broken-down car - stuck over in some tow yard? Where is my magic taxi fairy today? (and nanny, chef, and hosekeeper?) so, I had better get to work! maybe I can write more tomorrow when this all settles down! bye for now!

03 December, 2006


okay. today was a crazy day. I just have to document, for the record, that I went bowling with Ben and a group of people from church...ben got 121, and my score was 171!!! We are thinking of joining the church league, lol!!! before all of THAT excitement, we went to church, where I taught in the preschool nursery, then I had a women's ministry meeting, and at the same time, helped the youth leaders decorate their area for an upcoming Christmas party! I felt like one of those people in a movie who puts on a dress to go to one event, then quickly disappears to change clothes and run to the other - all the while looking like she is faithfully attending each one. ben and the kids were so sweet to help the teens out with their tree, lights, streamers, and (the boys' addition) toilet paper thrown up over the rafter beams...darling touch! The girl in charge took all that down and ruined their fun. Who says toilet paper isn't Christmas-ey? (i would, for one. sorry, boys.)

then we came home to be parents, and made yummy ginger snap cookies. I need to start posting my favorite recipes on here so you can all enjoy what we do!!

now we are tired of being awake and being on our feet!

SO, it is time for bed. good night. blog you tomorrow!

02 December, 2006

Saturday Dec. 2nd.

Oh My Gosh.

yesterday was the most insane day EVER! I drove all over the place, and at this time of year, it is a complete zoo wherever you go! Even at the Lowe's parking lot, you could barely drive - at 2pm. Aren't all of those people - in need of Lowe's merchandise - supposed to be WORKING with the merchandise at that time of day?!?!?

I went to lowes to deliver some items. I am on a "Salt Lake Freecycle" internet loop..where people offer and request things they do/do not want or need. A mother of a 7yo girls had said her dd needed some new clothes and small Christmas items. The little girl had hurt her face badly on a construction site, and had outrageous medical bills, preventing her mom from getting a lot of the things she needed. So, I made the scary trip down the crazy freeway (do you know 60MPH really means 81MPH?) and into a strange city where I have never been, to meet this woman and give her some things Victoria has grown out of. My girls were SO moved when I said "Go look through your things - we are going to help a litle girl". They found cute clothes, 2 winter coats, a darling Christmas dress, lots of cute hair things, and a few small toys. I was also able to add in some Christmas bows and ribbons, and a few toys cars and pens for their 5yo boy,too! This mom was so moved that she cried, and I cried, and it was so - CHRISTMAS!!

then, we headed back home, where I received approximately 39 phone calls, before having to run out of the house again and take kids to a school roller skating party. There was not a single mom there that I knew, and ben had to work, so it was SO long and lonely. the kids had fun, so that was good, and the time finally came to leave! During the skating, i called some friends and cancelled a trip we had scheduled at 8pm to the "Festival of Trees" i LOVE decorating for Christmas, but today could not do everything, so we planned to just meet them for a late movie. I left in plenty of time to get kids home and settled, looked at the gas gague, which seemed a little low, but I was low on money and thought "I can make it".

mistake #426 of that day.

i forgot to mention that my cell phone had died about 2 hours earlier. i had even been checking it during the day, "knowing" that I would need it, and it always was fully charged. I don't know WHAT happened. so, we are on the freeway again, and the poor car starts chugging and lurching a bit, and the power steering is dying, so I managed to move over to the shoulder before we rolled to a stop. now, it was cold out. 22 degrees or so. the car had not warmed up yet, and my 14yo was in SHORTS - b/c he knows he gets hot when skating! so, there we were. chilly, no gas, zillions of cars whizzing by, and no one stopping to help. no cell phone, either. oh, joy.

so, I try to get the phone on one more time. it worked! I sent my husban the following message: SOS VW on I-15. Out of gas.

HIS cute little Razor phone makes a V look like a U. so he had no clue that I meant "Beside the VW lot on I-15". he thought hm. she is on I-15. out of gas. he did not know if I was stuck in the middle of traffic, or what. I am sure he imagined me weaving through traffic as I ran to the side of the road or something. I made the 3 girls in the backseat cover up with the one blanket we had, and had gabe put on my mittens. I had an extra scarf for Christian to cover up his legs, but he said he was fine. it was getting more and more cold, and finally we decided to pray! hm! gabe soon spotted a man strolling through the car lot. we all yelled help out an open window, and he came over and let me use his cell phone. he was very sweet, and ben said our friend Chip was on his way. woohoo! chip arrived shortly after we played a rhyming game, and got a little gas into the tank - the nozzle on his gas can broke off, so the freeway got a little extra, too! we managed to get to a gas station where I put in a little more, and were soon on our way home! nobody left again that night!

01 December, 2006


Friday, December 1st. there are 23 shopping days left until Christmas. IF you live in Minnesota, that is. if you are in utah, the whole place shuts down on Sundays. I guess joseph smith once said "don't spend money on Sunday". so now, no one does. at least not in the places that are CLOSED - which is a lot. every fun family thing you COULD do, you CAN'T. They lock it up and hide the key. I can't count the number of times we have wanted to do wsomething fun with our kids, and we arrived only to find the place dark and boarded up, with large chains and padlocks hanging on all of the doors. and - BIG signs everywhere:

I am quite sure that in actuality, the Sabbath is on Saturday. Therefore, they should close things on THAT day, so that moms can tell their kids "you have to clean the house. there is nothing open, anyway." oh well.
the time has come to go pick up kids...fridays are always a little goofy, as they GO to school at 8, Emme is done at 10, and the rest finish at 1. I may as well set up a little couch and table with a cute lamp in one of the classrooms, then I could avoid all of that driving. next year will be so nice!! okay. more later.