08 December, 2006

There are limits.


There are limits to what a mom can do? I am trying to figure out what they are, but when a mom HAS to do some things, NEEDS to do other things, SHOULD do even more things, then has a loooong list of what she WANTS to do, she does not sleep. I have been up since 4:30 today, because I kept thinking of things I had to do, and it was hot in my room - all the heat must float up there or something, so when you wake up, you may as well get up, right? not to mention that every time I close my eyes, I see myself headed straight for a car sitting in my lane of traffic - only because this is what hapened in real life on Monday of this week. I have not heard yet what the damages are to our minivan, but the EMT on the scene said "Ma'am, you are not driving this out of here. please turn it off". hm. lovely. right before Christmas. BUT - it was probably good, as I have been stuck at home, a little sore, but able to do even more of those should, must, have to, and want to things.

Last night, I coordinated the decorating of 24 tables at church, for 200+ women to come to a Christmas dinner. I also have to print up little cards with notes on them, make some corsages, decorate little jars for the servers to receive tips, dress myself up, figure out how to get my kindergartner home when I have no vehicle, get 2 swan ice sculptures to the church without them melting, wrap 11 gifts, make appetizers for all of these women, anddd...bake 2 lasagnas. Did I mention that some of the gifts for this event are in the back of my broken-down car - stuck over in some tow yard? Where is my magic taxi fairy today? (and nanny, chef, and hosekeeper?) so, I had better get to work! maybe I can write more tomorrow when this all settles down! bye for now!

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