14 December, 2006

Where is Liza when I need her?

there's a hole in my bucket, dear henry, dear henry....

aaauuggh!!! so I wrecked the car. I ran into someone who turned into my lane, as I ZOOMED through a yellow light. BIG mistake, I know. I just hate it when people honk at me for being a "granny" driver, so I have been trying to be a little more assertive. Great plan. this insurance garbage is horrible. they have not made a decision on whose fault it is, b/c they don't have the police report.
the police have the report, but won't send it until it is paid for. they said I could go down and get it and fax it to the insurance co. - it costs $10. but, I can't get it if I don't have a car. I can not get a car until they make a decision on liability. they will not make a decision on that until they get the police report. so, here I sit, and now the baby has the flu, as does Luke. guess it is good that I am still home and not working! okay...on to other things. I may be back!

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