26 February, 2007


woohoo! take a look at what we did while Christian and gabe were away in Boise, Idaho at a youth conference....here are the first stages..from messy and lived-in, to PAZOW!

then....the finished product. there is a little touching-up to do yet, but the first words we heard were "Holy Snap!" and "this is cool"...they had no idea we were planning this - they though maybe mom would clean their room, but this was a fun surprise. now Luke says he wants to go away for a weekend! the first photo shows some scriptures framed in black...then gabe's sword and mask ben & I made him one year when he was Zorro for halloween. The static line or "livewire" as gabe calls it, is a deep red adding punch to the room, and ben hot glued the "dud" cd's all over the wall for FUN..it adds a lot of reflective light in there!

so..that is our news for the day! more fun improvements are on their way as we are working on the girls' room!

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