This was our first try at walking the a children's hospital there were all sorts of fun little things like this. I said to her "This is quite a vacation!". She responded with "This is NOT a fun vacation." You might be able to see she is pretty stiff and protecting that tummy!

Jordan and Anne were the first visitors, and they went for a walk with us, too! By that evening, Victoria was in very good spirits and happy to have guests.

3 owies in a hole was for a the camera, the other two for tools.

Day 2...feeling

stronger and
able to sit up
on the edge of the
bed to watch t.v.
She got a giant bear, "Curly"
from grandma and Grandpa Jensen...
the nurses gave her a roll of bandage
tape so she could "play doctor", too.

Her best friend, Makayla. Ben brought her up when he and the kids came, and they were so happy to see each other. If the hospital would have allowed it, she would have spent the night. When Victoria was packing up to leave the hospital she asked if Makayla could come over that evening to play!

Luke hopped onto the bed, too...then Christian. Even at her sickest, she still looked like an angel!

She shared a popsicle with Emme, who thought that was just peachy! I apologize for the outfit and raggedy hair, was NOT at the forefront of Ben's mind that day! Perhaps you can see him in the background, wiped out on the oh-so-uncomfortable little cot they provided for parents. Well, one parent. Actually, one SMALL parent.

1 comment:
So glad she is feeling better!!
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