one night i was feeling a little claustrophobic with my life and told ben i just needed to go out for a little while. to wal mart of all place,s but nevertheless, it was OUT...the boxes were starting to say things to me!!
so, emme hears this, and is quite sad, as she and i have spent a LOT of time together lately, and she is not quite sure what she will do without me. I told her she is staying home with DAD, of all people, lol, and will be fine. as I am getting myself ready, she asks me a number of times which purse I am taking. i tell her "the pink one. final answer." soon, it is time to go, i say good-bye, and reach into my purse for the keys - only to find a carefully folded note, from a sorrowful little five-year-old.

can you say "ohmygosh" ?? i did! (Above the box it says "sign it here") she DID stay home, and ben was very sweet to her, explaining that mom just needs to go out fo a little while...she will be back soon, and THEN...he offered to take the kids all over to the new house. (I know - this is a little out of order - we had not moved yet when this happened - i am catching up, okay) they had a blast...all running around in the open space, and the time went quickly for them. so, thank, honey, you're a peach! and this little girl...WHY did we teach her to read and spell??? it is a lot easier to drive away from crying, I have found! the end.
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