The feast went like this:
Appetizers ~ Cheese ball and crackers, pineapple/banana/lime smoothie, and fresh egg nog. Cream of broccoli soup introduced everyone to the table, followed by a spring green salad with goat chesse, walnuts and strawberries. The main course was (thank you, Five Alls, for the inspiration) tenderloin steak with Bernaise sauce, asparagus, and King Crab meat, (yes I steamed those huge crab legs. wow) mashed garlic potatoes and whole grain bread completed that course. And our friend Rey brought a very nice bottle of red wine to round out the elegant spread. Dessert was ice cream parfaits and petite cheesecakes that Ana brought, along with some cranberry pudding cake. Of course, no one wanted ice cream. OH! - and lefse, that my father's girlfriend(?) in Minnesota so sweetly sent to us! that made it really feel like Christmas.
At thanksgiving time, i found some velvet table runners on sale, so they were placed - 4 of them - on the table in a criss-cross pattern so that the end of each one served as each person's place mat. It was so pretty - that celadon green with the Christmas stoneware in greens and burgundy. I found tiny brass pears on ebay that were placecard holders, so the kids helped me fill and arrange those. Evergreen goblets purchased from Arby's 12 years ago for $.99 each gleamed on our Christmas table, and white linen napkins from an estate sale with a "j" monogram gave the appearance of martha stewart's handiworkwhen tucked inside of chubby gold napkin rings!
After clean-up progress was evident, we all settled in for gift opening, but Ana just *had* to stay in the kitchen and keep working- which was the best gift ever! Ben read from Luke, then prayed...his voice flooded with emotion as he thanked God for such a blessed Christmas. last year had been so sparse, and we only were able to let our kids open gifts because of the generosity of family and friends. We were all glad to see such bounty this year! Everyone was so pleased, and I was thankful we had not given the kids more. it was just enough to be appreciated, but not feel spoiled. ben gave me some new stainless steel pots and pans - which already are making dinner taste better! This week, the kids have been home playing games & watching movies, and it is so nice to have everyone together. The new year will bring many changes, I am sure. Luke will be home schooled, everyone will grow older and wiser, and we will adjust further to what often feels like a desert in more ways than one! Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year! Here is emme, having collected her small things she had used to leave a trail